Special Celebrity Events


Since 2002 much work has been completed which has considerably improved the overall fabric of the Abbey.


The great Norman Abbey of Selby, founded under William The Conqueror by Royal Charter, it is one of the largest parish churches in England.

The North Yorkshire Abbey survived Dissolution of the Monastries and centuries of political and religious turmoil as well as two disastrous fires.

Since 2002 much work has been completed which has considerably improved the overall fabric of the Abbey which has helped to secure the long-term future.

However, its future existence has been threatened by extensive damage to its structure that time and the elements have inflicted. So serious had the situation become that in 2002 the Abbey faced closure and was placed on the World Monuments’ Watch List of the World's 100 Most Endangered Historic Sites.

The Abbey gives the impression of unchanging serenity and poise, of a single inspiration reaching out from past centuries.  The reality is dramatically different.




Chairman of Trustees

Paul Simpson

Vice Chairman

 John Engelhart



The Bishop of Selby

The Reverend Canon John Weetman                         Vicar of Selby Abbey

David Caulfield            North Yorkshire County Council

Angela Crossland        North Yorkshire County Council

David Barstow

Grace Pullan

Fraser Stewart

Dr. Martin Clarke

Jennifer Cooke

Tom Pilcher

Rachel Benson

High Steward of Selby Abbey

David Sherriff             Architect ___________________

© Selby Abbey Trust / Design and Build Graphic Design Partnership